ESG solutions from the tech-enabled experts

Our services

Build a world-class ESG program with our team of tech-enabled experts. We empower companies to transform ESG into a powerful catalyst for sustainable growth and long-term value creation. As seasoned financial and non-financial accountants, we excel in translating complex, unstructured data into clear, actionable insights and value creation.

ESG data & disclosure

Data processing with audit-ready reporting covering 18,000+ indicators from 200+ ESG, climate and risk frameworks.

ESG strategy

ESG strategy, roadmap and baseline form the foundations of your ESG program and alignment with your strategic corporate objectives.

Capability & capacity

Seamlessly integrate ESG infrastructure and expert data analysts with our affordable ESG solutions for companies of all sizes.

Why choose us

Origin ESG works with boards, executives and sustainability teams to solve issues surrounding environmental, social, and corporate governance including:

  • Expanding complexity of the ESG environment
  • Data handling that’s slow, manual, and prone to errors
  • Limited staff resources under further strain
  • Escalating regulatory and stakeholder demands
  • Assurance in decision-making processes
Circle Shape
ESG Consulting

Our expertise

Transform ESG into your competitive edge by using our customised solutions.

Materiality assessments

Align activity to material topics

Gap analysis

Log, track & take action on ESG gaps

Policy & disclosure management

Audit ready disclosure

Data centre & reporting

Continuous disclosure & data feeds to rating agencies

Carbon accounting

Scope 1, 2 & 3 emission reporting

Benchmarking & ratings

Measure performance & maturity thresholds

Start unlocking value from ESG

We apply a structured and measurable approach to unlock financial value from your ESG data and investment. This includes:

  • Capital access and cost
  • Market bifurcation
  • Social license to operate
  • Brand awareness and reputation
  • Compliance with onset of mandatory reporting
Environmental social corporate governance for companies

Contact us

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